Update: February 2024

A bit of a re-introduction and a welcome to 1moreChild’s new regular updates!

As you may be aware, 1MoreChild is a charity dedicated to providing opportunities to vulnerable children in Jinja, Uganda. We are on a mission to empower and encourage every one of them to reach their full potential. We are dedicated to delivering what so many can take for granted and truly believe that by providing the basic needs in the form of 3 meals a day, medical care, and school supplies – and fees! – we can create foundations to allow the poorest children to grow, develop, and advance in their future. 

This month we have felt a huge buzz as all the kids head back to school! Community atmosphere and joy have been abundant as well as the use of newly founded skills which have led to the handmaking of school uniforms! Students have been fully prepared for their return to education to help power their future. Food has been prepared, the halls have been swept and the doors to opportunity have reopened.

We have also seen incredible action and competition from a cycling race we had with a group of 15 ladies from Eastern Uganda last month, showcasing some real talent and skill. Cycling is a huge part of 1MoreChild fundraising, organised by Ride25. Perhaps it’s time to dust off the saddle and join in?

The sporting action didn’t stop there as our very own Mary Akol – one of the children from 1MoreChild – completed their referee training and can now be found on regional and national pitches. Such a remarkable achievement and inspiring story of the children from 1MoreChild chasing their dreams and coming out on top! It just fuels us more to keep powering on with our mission.

We aim to keep you up to date with all the incredible ongoings of our charity and the achievements of the children and young adults who benefit.


As long as poverty, injustice & inequality persist, none of us can truly rest. It doesn’t take much to change a life, Get in touch today and start making the difference.